Peninsula Property Stylists

Docklands Victoria, Australia


0438 843 863

Contactable: Mon - Fri: 9am to 5:30pm

Peninsula Property Stylists provide Melbourne-based property owners, builders, renovators and real estate agents with pre-sale cleaning & styling services in order to get you a much higher value for your sale.

Based in Docklands as well as Mt Martha, Peninsula Property Stylists will clean, paint, furnish and decorate your new or vacated Melbourne metro property for sale price maximisation. Our home makeover service covers Melbourne’s Metropolitan and Mornington Peninsula regions.

Interior Makeovers
Our interior makeover service comes with all furniture, homewares and appliances required to turn your Melbourne space into a warm, inviting and highly desirable living environment. We can provide you with:

  • wallpaper removal & replacement
  • plastering, wall hole repairs & gap filling
  • minor and major renovations including extensions
    (permits can be organised on your behalf)
  • complete interior painting services

If the following are required, our preferred contractors will give us great rates for:

  • Carpet and Flooring Requirements including Tile Replacements & Re-Surfacing
  • Full Bathroom Makeovers including Plumbing work
  • Electrical Repairs & Fittings

Exit Clean
We provide you with a thorough cleaning service, no matter what condition the place is in. When your property has been left filthy and in an unsightly state, do not hesitate to contact us. We will get down and busy without delay and combined with our cleaning, painting & basic trade services, after a few days you will no longer recognise what you had been left with.

Builders Clean
A welcomed service for new home builders and renovators who need their completed work presented in the best possible light. We will clean the interior as well as the exterior thoroughly including glass, mirrors, windows, driveways, front and backyards etc. Because we also specialise in outdoor makeovers, Peninsula Home Makeovers can provide you with some landscaping services starting from basic to elaborate.

Spring & General Clean
Let’s face it – some people just do not like cleaning or simply do not have the time to. Visual cleanliness aside, a thorough clean, not just in spring, but at least every season keeps a lot of health issues away.

Outdoor Makeovers
When you are selling a home / property, the first impression is made as they get out of the car and are about to enter the boundaries of what the buyers are looking at purchasing. Outdoor impressions set the tone of what might be inside and when the two work in synchronicity, the decision to purchase is complete without set-backs.

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Posted in Home Improvements and Property Styling / Staging

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